I was just thinking about a hike I took up one of the peaks in the Japan Alps with some friends last new years. We hiked a few hours up the snow covered mountain, to get about 10 to 15 minutes of fun riding down a sweet gully, and a further hour or so back out down to the top of the resort we had hiked out of. It a was tough hike up for me without any snowshoes, and with a board strapped to my back I was fairly knackered by the time we reached the top. I had packed my dslr into my pack and planned to take some pics, but when we finally got to the top, my camera wouldn't work. I kept getting the Error signal. Shit! It was bloody cold up there at that point, and all I could think of was that the cold was shutting my dslr down (I had had this happen with a smaller point-and-shoot camera). So I grudgingly packed the camera away and came back with no shots of the scenery or the riding action. I was bummed. Anyway, back at my mate's lodge, I pulled the camera out, just to find the same error. After a few minutes of fiddling (and worrying) I realized that the lense had been unlocked slightly and was no longer set to the auto f-stop position. Maybe the cold affected my thinking up on the mountain, but I sure won't make that mistake and miss a chance for some great shots again...
Here is a pic I snapped from my mobile phone before we hit the gully. Checking the snow layers for avalanche risk. かろうじて携帯で撮れた1枚「なだれを防ぐためのチェック」